Acquiring Testnet VIS tokens
Envisions testnet VIS token contract address: 0xE1032DEb0Ea5714e85efC98f4777Fa10509EB72C
Step 1
Select or add Base Sepolia testnet, for more details on how to set up wallet follow steps HERE
Step 2
Import Testnet VIS by pasting contract address after clicking 'Import tokens' found on the bottom of MetaMask window.
Step 3
Acquire Faucet ETH tokens if haven't already (How to acquire Faucet ETH)
Step 4
Swap faucet ETH tokens for Testnet VIS tokens using UniSwap, visit this link and paste VIS contract address in second token field:
Note we recommend swapping less than 0.05 ETH on testnet.
If you need any further assistance please contact us on Discord by creating a ticket in the support section. We encourage all feedback and please ask you to use the feedback bubble in the platform.